
Ireland Chair of Poetry Travel Award

The Trustees of the Ireland Chair of Poetry look forward to receiving applications for the new ‘Ireland Chair of Poetry Travel Award’. The Trust has established this award in order to encourage and assist poets in their creative development. Recognising the restraints often imposed by location and external obligations, this award will offer £2,000 to […]

Ireland Chair of Poetry 2016 Bursary

The trustees of the Ireland Chair of Poetry recently named Erin Halliday as the recipient of the 2016 Ireland Chair of Poetry bursary. The poet was nominated this Autumn by the then Professor of Poetry, Paula Meehan, and her nomination was welcomed and confirmed by the trustees of the Board of the Ireland Chair of […]

The Announcement of the seventh Ireland Professor of Poetry: Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin

Today, Friday 27 May, President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins announced that Eiléan Ni Chuilleanáin has been awarded the prestigious position of The Ireland Professor of Poetry 2016, commencing 1 November 2016 (until 31 October 2019). Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin will be the seventh Irish Professor of Poetry, taking up the position from its current holder, Paula Meehan, […]

Ireland Chair of Poetry Bursary

The trustees of the Ireland Chair of Poetry recently named Keith Payne as the recipient of the annual Ireland Chair of Poetry bursary. The poet was nominated by the current Professor of Poetry, Paula Meehan, and her nomination was welcomed and confirmed by the trustees of the Board of the Ireland Chair of Poetry. The […]